I spent today cleaning out my office/ prayer closet/ playroom.. the entire time I had Youtube playing Jimmy Evans Hurt Pocket…then it decided for itself what to play after that. I half listened and mainly cleaned.
My purpose for cleaning out this space was to get back to the basics. Back to using this space to have my private time with Jesus. Back to being able to work on my blog and goals without the distraction that was piling up from neglect. Sadly, I realize that I am neglecting Jesus.
Yes, I spend every morning in this room. Alarm goes off at 5:15 am and I sit in here until 6:45 am. Drinking coffee and waiting for God to show up. Perhaps to save me from myself. I can’t help but think that I am putting God in a box. A box with a timeframe to show up and give revelation to my life. Meaning to whatever I’m seeking. Answers to prayers not spoken. To move in ways that bring back the signs and wonders of yesterday.
It’s easy for me to leave things at the cross. It’s easy for me to not judge. It’s easy for me to walk away from what God deems unholy. It’s easy for me to find fault in my behavior. These things are easy now… now that I believe in Christ. Now that I know what heavenly places feels like. Heavenly places that mark your day, week, and even a moment- when Holy Spirit moves, rests on you. These places that seem to be the lightest moments of your life. You cannot deny God when He moves.
Where are you? Where do you have God? Is He on a shelf or in a box? Are you waiting on Him to move on your terms?
Break bad habits and MOVE!! Move towards what God has put on your heart. What have you been putting in front of God? What will you do to remove that distraction from your life?