It’s the end of 2022, traditionally we are seeking ways to evaluate life and focus on changes for this new year. I’ve always done this in the past. Made goals to improve my health, both emotional and physical, even financial. I’ve never succeed.
Sure I started with a noteworthy try but after the hype died off, my goals didn’t mean anything. I often fell into the trap of of lies like ‘your already married, physical improvements are a waste of time…’, or ‘if people don’t like me because I’m fat- that’s on them! I’m awesome!’. And I know that’s the right attitude to have but where did it leave me?
Same. Same ol’ person. Same ol’ attitude. Same. Same.
Truth is my health is important- I want to be able to walk on my own strength when I’m 90. I want to be able to fit in my clothes without buying new. I want to live a life full of memories- not what I have to settle for from the couch. I want to have relationships with people who love me and who are loyal to me- without conditions.
As many of you know, I’m a new Christian. I began this journey to find Christ and to follow Him in 2021. 2022, marked the first full year of my walk with Him. So, closing this year is different for me. It’s different for my family. It’s just different.
I look over 2022 with open eyes and a full heart. God has made some very big changes in my life. He has opened doors to relationships, opportunities, and closed just as many. I’m still trying to figure out His plan. But in 2022, I found who I am in Christ. I found more then my purpose; I found my identity in Christ.
That’s a big year!
2023 will be even bigger! I don’t have a resolution for this year. I have a prayer. See believers don’t have to settle for reaching for hope or dreaming big dreams. We already have the victory. We have God. His hope lives in us. Our dreams are prayers and God is faithful to answer those, when we ask.
My prayer for 2023 is to continue to grow close to God. To see Him in all aspects of my life. I want to hear His voice with discernment, and I want Holy Spirit to push me past my human, so that I can live in the fullness of His promises. This year I will remain humble as student to God, learning from His truth, being obedient, and following His lead. I will pray bold prayers. I will serve God whenever and however He asks. I will watch earnestly for the footprints that walk along with me! Thank you Father God! Amen.
What was 2022 like for you? How will 2023 be different? Who will bring you victory?
I would love to know more.. drop a comment if you feel moved to.
Happiest New Year to you!
Be safe. Be smart. Jump with eyes open and a willing heart.