I’ve heard a lot lately about what type of prayer to say. I don’t recall all of the names but I do remember the Petition pray. I recall this one because this is how I pray, apparently too often. A petitionary prayer is a prayer ‘asking’ for something. We are not supposed to ask God for things all the time.
Commanding prayers though require us to take charge and ‘command’ something to happen. I believe we don’t tell God what to do….ever!
So commanding prayers, are using Jesus’s authority, to speak to evil spirits that try to invade your space- the environment, getting in the way of your path and trying to control your thoughts. The key to a commandment prayer is not going to your source (GOD) but the source that is causing your pain.
the Bible is very clear that prayer is our weapon, our most powerful weapon against evil. When that statement was published thousands of years ago- I don’t believe they were labeled. As humans we have this need to make labels for everything. I wonder if that dates back to Adam naming all the animals. Technically, that was putting labels on them. We often overcomplicate things, right?
Okay so Google has a lot of suggestions on how many types of prayers… anything from 24 down to 3. Bottom line- God is your Father. He says prayer is your weapon and Jesus has showed us its the avenue to reach our Father. Ask and your will receive, knock and the door will be opened.
I think we would all agree that PRAYING is important. Prayer moves things in your life. Prayers comfort you when you have lost something or someone. Prayer allows you to be in the presence of God. Prayer opens up Heaven to you.
So don’t worry about what it’s called. Don’t focus on what label someone would give your prayers. Just PRAY! Talk to God like you would anybody else. He’s always listening. He’s always loving.