I have bought into a lie that I am not worthy. I have trapped myself into a mindset that if I didn’t give something-
-loss something
-trade something-
-fake it or except it….
then I was passed over. I was less.
I voluntarily submitted myself to things that took me so far from purpose and so far from God.
That I didn’t know where I was. Worse I didn’t know myself.
My reflection was a stranger.
Praise God! Because now I’m known. I matter. I matter to His kingdom!
He’s worthy. He’s enough.
I don’t have to trade pieces of myself to win His favor.
His love is unconditional. He matters to me.
So my story is broken, full of mistakes, things I have done to myself trying to win the world.
I fell short. I lost. But God found me and saved me from myself.
I will claim His victory over my life. God chose me. He isn’t someone that makes mistakes.
I pray that anyone reading this would have a move inside them today- that breaks down lies that are taking claim over you. God’s not done. Seek Him and His presence will come into your life.
Job 22:27 – you will pray to Him and He will hear you, and you will fulfill your vows.
I love this scripture because it requires you and me to first pray then we have to move in faith. We are accountable for what we are seeking/ asking.
I challenge you to ask Holy Spirit to show you the lie that keeps you blind, that keeps you bound from your true purpose. Then break that off and place it at God’s feet. Best part is you get to walk away from that junk and walk in His presence! Don’t look back!
What will you leave at the cross today?
Awesome post !
Well said.