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I wondered many years before you, stumbling over consequences..

Being trapped by bad decisions, winning little- loosing big.

I didn’t know wicked hunted me. Before You.

I was just one being among the human race, leaning to and fro. Before You.

Lost. Hurt. Damaged. Alone.

Before truth. Before purpose. Before love.

Before You, Jesus!

I didn’t know the real choices of life.

I couldn’t feel the warm of Your love.

Jesus, I didn’t recognize Your voice.

But then You moved….

You choose me and opened up Heaven above me.

Real change happened!

The outside world melted away and Your true creation revealed…

Wonder. Majesty and glory-

replaced all the hurt, all the lose that came before You.

I am not alone, You are my heart, You are each breath!

Before You….I have no testimony. With You, I have our story.

– Tabi