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At 5:15am, my alarm sounded. I hit snooze and rolled back under the covers. I tried convincing myself that God would understand why I wouldn’t make it to morning prayer.

Sadly this scenario has continued to happen. Over and Over again- really without guilt. Our church offers a morning prayer- 6 am to 7 am. Usually its only a few people and only 2 regulars; one being our senior Pastor Jason……

So I pulled this post from drafts- not sure were I’m going with this message, but it seems to be relevant to most morning. Perhaps not the church prayer time, but to the lack of wanting to get up and be in devotion. I’ve increased my time with Jesus in the morning. This morning He increased it even more…. funny how God doesn’t let you sleep in when he has something important to share.

He rescued me last night. I was so uncomfortable- every attempt that I made to be comforted and sleep was wasted. I tried changing clothes, tossed and turned. Got drinks, went to the restroom… all the usual things. Then the Holy Spirit intervened and I got down on my knees and prayed. I gave my restlessness and discomfort to God. I described everything that was making my sleep off; my shorts twisting, left shoulder pain, temperature of the room- fan blowing down, blanket too hot. Basically I complained about everything in the room! Sadly, it was true. Everything about lying down was awful. But I gave it to God in prayer. Afterwards I went to sleep without any troubles. Waking up 30 minutes before my alarm…in and out of deep dreamfilied thoughts. When my alarm sounded I hit snooze, but quickly was reminded that God rescued me and I was not going to waste the time I had to praise Him for it.

I am learning to lean into God more through prayer. I know that my walk is going on a progressive level. I’m learning to discern the voice of God; and I’m learning that satan is waiting to steal it all way.

Where ever you are in your walk with God. Whatever your feeling right now. Give it to God! Praise and honor belongs to Him. The good is praised and the bad is comforted. These are His promises for our lives and purpose. We surrender. We follow. We teach the world.

Focus on your now… where are you? Where’s God?

Happy reading-
